Here are 10 Truths About Recovery and How We Can Help

Recovery Month is a month-long observance dedicated to the promotion, prevention, and awareness of addiction and mental health research. Recovery Month is a time of reverence for all of those committed to transforming their lives and the lives of others through recovery. 

To destigmatize behavioral-based illness, Recovery Month stands to remind us all that a fulfilling life unhampered by addiction is possible and worthy of therapeutic importance. Mahajan is dedicated to helping you find your peace of mind. We stand with you together in celebration of Recovery Month. To honor this observance, we’ve created a list of ten truths about recovery. 

Seasonal Depression is Real

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is defined as a type of depression that begins and ends with the seasons. However, while SAD during spring and early summer are less common, it is possible to deal with SAD throughout the year. 

Mahajan can help you manage your Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms. We understand that it’s very real and much more than the ‘winter blues’. We offer outstanding treatment and understand your unique and individual needs.  You don’t have to suffer alone. 

Substance Use Disorder Often Coexists with Mental Illness

Did you know that mental health issues often co-occur with other psychiatric and physical health problems? These may include mental health struggles, substance use, or physical health traumas. 

Those suffering from their mental health often self-medicate in an attempt to elevate their symptoms. Through a deep knowledge of addiction, our therapies are targeted to individual needs to include treatment plans mindful of such dual diagnoses. 

No matter your struggle, your needs are not a burden. We’re dedicated to helping you through modalities that treat you as an individual worthy of care.  

Harm Reduction is Essential 

Harm reduction saves lives, yet many myths surround it in practice. We believe in the power of meeting people where they are without judgment, in alignment with the principles of harm reduction. 

Harm reduction recognizes the value in all people, including those who are struggling. These principles teach us that when we work from compassion, and see the value in each person, it can lead to long-lasting change.

We understand that the biggest recovery motivator is showing people their worth. 

We understand that when a person is valued, they are provided the opportunity to value themselves, which is fundamental to recovery. 

Stress Management is Important 

Life can be stressful. Balancing work and family obligations can consume you, and lead to increased stress. Add on health concerns or personal struggles, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), stress can look different for everyone, and while some pressure can be a good thing, too much stress can be destructive. 

We understand how difficult stress is. Our therapists, counselors, and primary care providers are prepared to provide you with the techniques and strategies you need to manage stress and create a manageable life.

Holiday-Induced Stress Deserves Attention 

The holiday season can be a highly triggering time, and the stress it causes deserves attention. Through understanding specified risks, we can be better prepared. There is hope, and there is help. 

Mahajan Therapeutics offers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), anger management, grounding exercises, and a host of other modalities to help keep you on track. We’re here for you. During the holidays, and every day. 

New and Emerging Treatment Modalities Offer Relief

If you’ve struggled in therapy, you need to know that there are emerging therapeutic modalities that you may have never tried. Mahajan offers trailblazing and proven therapeutics that can offer intense relief, such as EMDR. 

EMDR is a tool that has been associated with a significant decrease in traumatic memories and offers relief faster than other traditional therapies. EMDR can help you heal the trauma of your past, present, and future by changing the way your brain reacts to experiences. It is powerful, healing, and offered by Mahajan Therapeutics

Everyone Deserves Care, Regardless of Income

Affordable and accessible care is vital to the health and wellbeing of our communitiesWe believe that anyone who is embarking on their therapeutic journey deserves to receive care at a price they can afford. 

So often the misconception and myth that therapy is only for the wealthy persist. That is simply untrue. Our commitment to meeting our clients where they are includes the acceptance of Medicaid insurance. We bring easy access to exemplary care right here in Ohio. 

PTSD is Treatable 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) arises after a traumatic experience changes how our bodies react to stress, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH). This can occur after a singular experience or consistent distress. PTSD differs from short-term stress and is diagnosed after one is impacted longer than a month. 

PTSD subtypes vary, and their distinction allows for targeted therapies. Which is why we’re determined to help those suffering from the symptoms of all forms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Our holistic treatment therapies allow us to provide incomparable care to the distinctive subtypes of PTSD. You don’t have to suffer alone. 

Holistic Care is Fundamental

Centralizing healthcare is incredibly beneficial. Through a whole-person approach, holistic care helps to ensure that your health is monitored closely and concerns aren’t missed. This can be lifesaving, as spreading care between multiple practices may leave patients vulnerable. 

That’s why we’ve worked hard to ensure that our primary care services are accessible to all. As with each of our services, we remain committed to proving outstanding care to every person.

You are not Alone

The destigmatizing and normalization of mental health care is essential, which is why those struggling with addiction need to know they are not alone. Did you know that one in four adults “suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year”, and yet many don’t get the help they need? 

The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) found that despite the “reach and prevalence of mental health struggles, stigma and misunderstanding are unfortunately widespread”, which is why Mahajan Therapeutics offers client-centered and focused care. 

We’re committed to erasing myths and reaching those who need support.

We remain dedicated to erasing the stigma of mental health and recovery this Recovery Month, and every day of the year. Through our top-notch providers and modalities, Mahajan Therapeutics is grateful to have changed many lives. We’re here for you, no matter your need. You deserve a better future. 

Reach out today.