I am Ryann G, and I’m an addict from Columbus, Ohio. I have been sober for just over 18 months. I now reside in Portsmouth, as I was able to find employment and a support group in the city. I’ve finally felt like I’ve begun to build a healthy life for myself.

I was desperate throughout my addiction. I longed for a better life and to find sobriety, but I knew I couldn’t do it on my own. While it didn’t feel like it at the time, I was fortunate to have the legal consequences that I had, as they forced me to face my addiction head-on. I was forced to detox while in jail, and for me, not having the option to leave was essential. I truly believe that I couldn’t have gotten through detox without structures that forced me to be sober.

I was lucky. I narrowly escaped a prison term, and I am grateful that I was able to convince my judge to allow me to change my life through continued addiction treatment. Knowing that I could have been sentenced to prison lit a fire within me. A fire that helped me get clean and sober. I knew if I relapsed, I faced eight years in prison. That reality loomed over me and helped me get through difficult days. It provided me with the motivation I needed to stay sober and lead a life that I had been dreaming of. 

After getting clean, I haven’t looked back. I have no desire to use substances that could put my life or freedom in jeopardy. The life I am living now far outweighs any temporary happiness substance abuse provided. 

My life is now better than I could have ever imagined it to be. I’m happier than I have ever been in my life. I no longer numb my feelings. I have my own home, I live with the love of my life, and I engage in meaningful work. I have true friends again, and my family relationships have greatly improved. I have healed relationships from the past, and I have built new relationships that help me on my journey. Everyone at Mahajan Therapeutics have helped me become the best person possible. 

I have faced my sobriety in ways I never had before—I began working with a sponsor, who understood me and kept me grounded. I never thought that working ‘the steps’ was going to transform my life the way it has, but my life has been changed. Each part of my recovery is essential. They are imperative to my living a healthy life. 

If I could give any advice to someone going through active addiction, it would be to seek help. Reach out. Try. Because those promises that they talk about in recovery? Those are real. They come true every day. The life you can live is far beyond what you believe. You truly can find happiness and sobriety if you seek it.  

Mahajan Therapeutics wants everyone to experience a full and healthy life. 

We’re here for you. Contact us today.