My name is Lauren M. I’m originally from Columbus, Ohio. I now live in Portsmouth, Ohio, and I have been clean for 20 months. I experienced rock bottom when my family cut me off and exiled me. I had been in a toxic on-again, off-again relationship for years. He was abusive in every way imaginable. From physical abuse to mental and verbal abuse, I endured it all during our relationship. I didn’t know where to turn, but I knew I had to change my life. 

I had entered treatment more times than I could count, and I could never get sober long term. I knew I had to do something different. I sought in-patient treatment. However, they had no spaces available. I would be back in my original environment soon. However, while in detox, a speaker spoke of God. I had always been a believer, but I never utilized His teachings in my life. Moved, I went back to my room and grabbed a piece of paper—that I still have to this day—and wrote a letter to God. I told Him I believed in Him. I explained that I didn’t know what to say, or what to do. I begged for His help and vowed to surrender. 

I put my note under my pillow, and an hour later, the staff came to my door and told me I had been accepted to a faith-based rehab facility. I was in awe. I began in-patient treatment immediately, followed by transitional care and sober living. When I completed my course of treatment, I felt I wasn’t prepared to return to Columbus. Thankfully, I was able to enter the sober living program at Mahajan Therapeutics, where I stayed for a total of six months. 

Mahajan helped me with everything. I was able to get my license again, purchase a car, and find a home. Thanks to Mahajan, I now work in treatment and can give back what was given to me. I am proud to say that I have a family, and a beautiful son. I am eternally grateful to be a loving and present mother to my child. I am so grateful to everyone at Mahajan, as they helped me get my life back. The most valuable part of my sobriety is having a full life, and growing my sense of worth to the point where I can say I love myself. 


I know that others are just like me, and I want them to know that they can change their lives. I want them to understand that they can mend relationships and create a meaningful life. The biggest piece of advice I would give anyone seeking sobriety is to never give up, and always reach out. We don’t realize it when we’re hampered with addiction, but the world is filled with people who want to help us. You simply need to reach out to the right places and you will find your way out of addiction. 

If you’re struggling, pray. Ask God for guidance. That advice has helped me on my darkest days. I am determined to be the best mother I can be, and everything I do is for both myself and my child. I would like to thank God, my mother, my partner, my son, and everyone at Mahajan Therapeutics. They never gave up on me, and I am so happy to be the person I am today.

Mahajan Therapeutics wants everyone to live a life they’re proud of. 

We’re here for you. Contact us today.