At Mahajan Therapeutics, we care deeply about the mental health of students and are here to help you navigate an ever-changing world and the anxieties that come from increased change and risk.

COVID-19 Fears

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) notes that back-to-school transitions during COVID-19 can be difficult for children and their families. Of course, parents and faculty have the same concerns. The best approach is to acknowledge anxieties early, and have systems in place that help keep children healthy.

CDC recommended measures include requesting virtual meetings with teachers to limit unnecessary exposure, classroom tours before classes begin, health routines that encourage good habits, and conversations around mask-wearing. The CDC notes that young children can struggle with masks due to a reduction in facial expressions. 

Because of this, conversations around non-verbal cues such as hand gestures or verbal reassurance can be helpful for very young children. For teens, conversations on group socialization are essential, as they open up dialogue around frustration and fear. 

Balancing Friend Groups and Activities

To reduce the transmission of COVID-19, health experts recommend smaller social groups and reduced social activities. This is especially true of indoor activities, which become increasingly difficult to execute as cooler temperatures approach. 

Help to reduce anxieties by encouraging virtual connections and quality time with friends vs larger social engagements like parties. When students are offered support and are reminded that these requirements are temporary, they become more palatable.

Peer Pressure and Expectations

Peer pressure has always been a fact of growing up. Curiosity is normal and kids naturally are prone to pushing boundaries. This is why It’s especially important to empower students and have conversations around saying no. 

Experts recommend preparing children by teaching them how to say no. Roleplaying conversations such as “I’d rather not go” can bolster confidence and teach valuable lessons in peer pressure that can prove invaluable in the years to come.

Academics and Isolation

Academic achievement is important to building confidence in children, and falling behind in a subject can be deeply isolating. With fewer in-person tutoring options offered through school programs, students can struggle and feel like they’re failing to meet expectations. 

If your child is struggling with learning, consider requesting a virtual meeting with their teacher to help them stay on track. For students in virtual learning, consider social activities that both keep them safe and offer time for connection with peers. 

Our School-Based Program

If your child needs additional support, Mahajan Therapeutics is here for you and your family. We offer mental health and drug addiction services to students which allow them to remain in their academic environment. 

By working with the school, we limit classroom disruptions and foster healthy communication between a struggling child and staff to create a learning environment that is enriching for all. 

If you’d like our help, reach out today. We’re here for you.