Happy New Year! Time again to set your resolutions…and break them. Research suggests many resolutions are abandoned by February. 

In recovery, resolutions may have more gravity. Every goal you meet is a way to build trust in yourself. This post will explore healthy ways to set – and stick to – resolutions for the coming year.

Make Bite-Sized Goals

Studies say most of us find it easier to keep small but progressive resolutions rather than large, ambitious ones. For instance, if you’re beginning a jogging routine, rather than pledging to run a marathon, vow to increase your pace, distance, or number of jogs per week by a percentage per month instead of requiring yourself to perform at an optimal level right away.

Have Fun 

Self-improvement doesn’t have to be painful. Resolutions that honor friendships, relaxation, and fun are just as important to wellbeing as resolutions to lose weight or stop spending so much. You can resolve to go to a movie with a friend once a month, or to make time for a nap twice a week, or to play tourist once a month in the region where you live. You can also resolve to get back into a hobby you haven’t been making time for.


Concepts surrounding recovery are relevant for just about everything. Approaching resolutions ODAAT (one day at a time) alleviates that extra pressure that could make you freeze or self-sabotage.

Enlist a Buddy

Having a buddy is another recovery concept that can help your resolutions be successful, particularly when you’re trying to adhere to an exercise routine. Even an electronic buddy, like an app, can help. Meditation-timer and step-counter apps are great for tracking and celebrating progress.

Reflect and Course-Correct 

If resolutions are hard to meet, stop and think about why. For example: if you find yourself on the couch instead of meeting a goal to take 3 walks a week, reflect on what’s making it hard to lace up your shoes. If walking makes you feel lonely, recruit a walking partner. If your joints hurt, visit a local running store to have a clerk analyze your gait so you can find better shoes. If you feel irritable after walking, have a snack before your walk or carry a bottle of water to maintain a better comfort level. Adjusting for basic discomforts often clears the path to success.

Align Resolutions with Recovery Goals

It’s okay to combine annual resolutions and recovery goals: vow to attend a certain amount of meetings, worship services, or therapy sessions each month. Resolve to journal 10 minutes a day. Commit to learning to accept help from others. Each of these resolutions comes with a built-in support group to help you keep promises to yourself, not only this year but for years to come. 

Professionals at Mahajan Therapeutics can help you find a new you in the new year. Contact us.