At Mahajan Therapeutics, we’re dedicated to providing spaces that meet people where they are while encouraging them to see all that they can be. Our sober living program provides a unique opportunity that offers residents the real world support they need, and the real life experience they’ll require to succeed. 


Every new beginning starts with a first step. We’ve created this Q&A to help answer the most frequent questions we receive to help demystify the process, and let you know what you can expect.


What is a sober living home?

Sober living is a 3-6-month program that Mahajan Therapeutics offers to help bridge the start of your recovery journey with your long term goals. Many of our clients have just left residential treatment facilities, and still require the accountability and assistance that our sober living environment provides. Our program helps our clientele build the structure that becomes foundational to their sobriety. 


How long do I stay?

Our sober living facility begins at 3 months. If you’re successful in group and individual therapy, your time can be extended for another 6 months. Our goal is to provide care that helps you succeed in the real world. We believe in your future. We want you to take action, and establish twelve-step recovery. We work with you to ensure that you have a sponsor, housing and employment before you leave.


Can I work while in sober living?

Yes. We ask that you work (or volunteer) so that your time is accounted for and healthy routines are established. To help keep you accountable, we charge an affordable rent to our clients. However, we only begin collecting that rent after the second week, so that you have time to get on our feet financially.


Can I see my family?

Absolutely! We believe in the power of family structures, and relationships. We help you succeed in healing your relationships and embracing the support you have in your life. In fact, we offer FREE family events twice monthly to help. 


What will I do in sober living?

Our program is based on the twelve-steps. We also offer (and require) group and individual therapy sessions. In addition to this, we have meditation and mindfulness programs that are incredibly useful. Drug testing and chores mandatory, as they help keep you accountable and engaged. 


How do I get into a Mahajan Therapeutics sober living home? 

We work closely with case managers when appropriate, and offer an application on our website. We do have a waiting list, however. We recommend that you call as soon as possible when you enter residential treatment to check for availability, and begin laying the groundwork for your care.

Have you completed the re-enrollment process for Medicaid?
To prevent a gap in your coverage, it may be necessary to update your information or re-enroll.
Your State's Medicaid Redetermination Process