
My Story

My name is Garret and I’m a court liaison. I’ve been sober since November 2013. My sobriety story is tied to my interest in living a better life. I could joke and say I’m materialistic and my need for nice things fueled my recovery, but in reality, I was sick of being in the same spot. I was tired of the cycle of jail, treatment, and detox. I wanted a better life, but I felt that I was in an endless cycle. 

I was fortunate enough to be rescued by the sheriff’s department, and people that sought me out and cared about my recovery. It didn’t take long for me to see the value in life on the other side of my addiction. 

The best part of my sobriety is the involvement I have with my children. When I come home, they’re happy to see me. I’m so thankful to be present for my kids every day. I owe that feeling to being sober. 

For anyone struggling with addiction, it can be difficult to reach out for help and admit you have a problem. Addiction is so often masking something else within us. Until the deep pain that we’re masking through use is removed, we cannot see clearly. I can say without a doubt that if you seek help you will find people that care. 

The people that care will point you in the direction of treatment. You have many options depending on your needs. From residential, to outpatient, you will find people who can help you when you need it.

We often feel proud, and unable to seek help, but I always use the analogy of a doctor—if I had cancer, I would seek out the help of a doctor. Addiction is a disease, and we need help with that disease to get better. No one should try to tackle this alone, especially when so many people are able to help. 

My Advice 

My biggest piece of advice for someone struggling with their sobriety is to reach out. People truly want to help you, even if you’ve convinced yourself that you’re beyond help. You need to be reminded that that isn’t true. People care so much more than you think. 

When I think of the reasons I stay sober, I think of my family, I think of my children, my fiancé, and my grandma. But, there are a lot of other little things I think of. I realized so much more about myself. I now play golf, which I didn’t expect, but I love it. I like to work on cars, and hang out with my friends. It’s the simple things that I can take for granted. Those are the things that keep me going, because a decade ago, I would have killed to have what I have now. 

All of the things and people I love continue to push me forward. 

I am so appreciative to my family. They say that our families are the first people we harm in addiction, and I believe they are the first people we need to treat right in recovery. I couldn’t imagine my life without them. Thanks to my family, friends, sponsor, and those who literally pulled me out of my addiction, I earned my CDCA in chemical dependency counseling, and I got my life back. 

I’m proud of who I have become. I wouldn’t have believed that before. It’s difficult when you’re young—you think you know everything. But, there is wisdom growing up, and clarity in sobriety. I’m grateful for both.

If you need help, know that we’re here for you. Reach out today.

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